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Everything posted by haloman30

  1. Version full: 1.1.6322.32277 Version major: 1 Version minor: 1 Build: 6322 Revision: 32277 Foundation: Windows Forms Interface: MetroFramework NuGet Packages: MetroModernUI, CefSharp.WinForms, CefSharp.Common, cef.redist.x64, cef.redist.x86 CHANGELOG - Removed Hell Reborn from game selection list + Added Vista to game selection list
  2. Version full: 1.1.6321.2714 Version major: 1 Version minor: 1 Build: 6321 Revision: 2714 Foundation: Windows Forms Interface: MetroFramework NuGet Packages: MetroModernUI, CefSharp.WinForms, CefSharp.Common, cef.redist.x64, cef.redist.x86 CHANGELOG + Experimental Metro Interface (within seperate launcher project file, as it lacks support for disabling said styles) + Added application Icon
  3. Version full: 1.1.6319.41309 Version major: 1 Version minor: 1 Build: 6319 Revision: 41309 Foundation: Windows Forms Interface: MetroFramework NuGet Packages: MetroModernUI, CefSharp.WinForms, CefSharp.Common, cef.redist.x64, cef.redist.x86 CHANGELOG + Added config option to switch between CEFSharp and Visual Studio's standard web browser (nonfunctional) + Some testing in the Developer tab, a UWP-style button design as well as a textbox with the current build as well as a button to copy to clipboard(because fuck typing that shit out) * Fixed refresh button console logger: Changed initialization log output from 'browser' to 'chromeBrowser' * Fixed refresh button functionality: Changed method from chromeBrowser.Refresh(); to chromeBrowser.Reload();
  4. – Its been a while since our last blog post, but don’t worry, we haven’t been slacking off. We are VERY close to allowing early access to everyone. First off, lets start with the basics, accounts. We recently said that we would provide a tool that would allow you to sign up, however that has since changed. You will be able to sign up through the game client itself. Additionally we have been fixing tons of server exploits and crashes so that when we get into a public early release state that everyone will be able to enjoy the game without having to worry about server crashes. RavenRunner Alpha 0.3.5 Release Notes: Changes: Changed to different version of Unity Changed the way AuthKey works The game now uses Net 4.6 Updated Lumina’s formatting. Removed Powerups, Added High Scores Added Anticheating measures Added System Localization recognition Added clear connection issue messages. Added Offline Mode. Updated Main Menu Your previous LoginToken will now be logged to your system locally. However, it is locked to your IP. Added Password Resets within the client Added Account creation within the client for English Speaking players. Added Account creation for Japanese, and Chinese speaking players. Although this is limited to 25 signups per 24 hours. Version Numbers now appear at the bottom corner of the Main Menu Privacy Policy can now be viewed by clicking Privacy on the main menu Terms of Use can now be viewed by clicking Terms Server Fixes: Fixed a crash with the server in regards to forged packets being sent. Fixed a bug where the client wouldn’t receive the assigned client ID from the server. Fixed an issue where when a client disconnected uncleanly that the server would crash Fixed an issue where the server would crash from various Socket Exceptions Fixed an exploit that crashed the server. Whenever a serialization fails on the server, instead of crashing it will just disconneect the client associated and will log Packet Information to the debug file on the client instead. Fixed an issue with Databases that would result in a server crash Fixed a bug where DataReaders wouldn’t close and would crash the server. The server now verifies that your client is trusted. The server will send the client an ErrorMessage if the server encounters any errors that arent related to the RavenServer socket. Allow you to quickly revert your game to offline mode if any problems occur. Fixed a few bugs that was caused from the upgrade to Net 4.6 Code Cleanup Client Bug Fixes: Fixed a threading issue with the client that would cause the client to spam the same message multiple times. Fixed a threading issue that would cause the client to crash Fixed an issue with threading that would cause a systems under heavy load to freeze or BSOD/Kernal Panic (Standalone) Fixed an issue where certain counters werent incrementing up. Client has been optimized. Fixed a bug that would crash the client in certain lighting conditions. Added a thread manager. View original article
  5. + Added Club list to Homepage (will not be visible until public clubs are created) + Added some work-in-progress backend test pages for the Elaztek Team
  6. Hey, everyone! Today we did some upgrades to the Elaztek Website as well as over on the CU forums. Both sites were upgraded to the new IP.Board 4.2 software, which brings with it a ton of awesome new features! We ourselves haven't even finished exploring the new features to be added, so there may or may not be a follow-up to this detailing more features that have been introduced. First off, Content Ratings are back! They have been absent ever since the Nuclear District forums were updated to IPB4, as the application was not updated at the time. Later, it was discovered to be finally updated - for the price of 30$ and a renewal every six months. So it was ignored. Then, IPB 4.2 was pushed out and lone behold - content ratings are now a built-in feature. All likes and dislikes on posts are counted as Upvote/Downvote ratings which sport a similar icon as it has in modern IPB. The other ratings were NOT built in but the functionality to add them was all there - hence why they have rather dated looking icons. I will be working on designing new updated and HD icons soon - so don't worry. Until then, enjoy their long awaited return. Additionally, some of you real old CU folk may remember Group Collaboration. Maybe not by that name, but the general functionality was you would make a sort of sub-community within the website, that allowed you to have various members, exclusive topics/posts, and so on. That functionality has also made a return as a feature built into the software. You should see the "Clubs" tab added to the Navigation Menu. From there, you can create a club, with one of the following statuses: Public - Everyone can see the club and its posts, and can participate without joining. Open - Everyone can see the club and its posts, but only members can participate. Everyone can join. Closed - Everyone can see the club and who's in it, but only members can see posts and participate. Users need to ask a leader to join. Private - Only members can find the club and see its posts. Users need to be invited by a leader to join. It is a feature that also had an addon, however when I tried to add it back on the Nuclear District forums, well...it caused some severe database problems that Nuke had to go and clean up for me (we love u nukeypoo <3) Can't wait to see what kind of crazy clubs you guys create! Go on, have at it!
  7. Today is finally the day! The day that we finally finished Raven Server, a network to allow fellow Zeph’s/Players like yourself to help out in the fight against the Ravens. While the members at the guild have been working really hard to make this happen, we still do not have an adequate build of Raven Runner at this time to allow you to jump right into the action. We know that many of you are waiting in anticipation for the game and have arranged that the guild start allowing you to register accounts. This tool that will allow you to register will be ready on August 9th, 2017. With this tool launching in a matter of days we have also asked the Zeph Council to provide some guidelines of how your registration information will be used. They call it a “Privacy Policy” and “Terms of Service”. We recommend everyone skim through it if you’re unsure whether your breaking the rules, or just use common sense if your too lazy to read it. As for the website design, we will constantly be making revisions to the website to make it better reflect the game more accurately. Until Then, See you on Wednesday! Build Notes: Raven Runner 0.2.4 ——————- – Removed Google Protobuf’s in favor of Lumina – Removed Powerups temporarily until we have a better fix. – Added a Shadow Engine to the game, Shadows are now way more precise and smooth. – Added Top Menu – Added Newtonsoft JSON parsing library to list of used dependencies. – Added RavenToken Capabilities. – Added Raven Runner account functionality – Added Forgot Password Functionality – Added Leaderboards – Made StoryMode unavailable for all clients, its back to the drawing board until we feel we can tackle the story! Raven Server 1.0 _________________ – Added SendGrid Email Capability – Added Thorough DungeonScaping Anticheating measures. – Added Moderation Tools for finding cheaters. – Fixed A Bug where the server would crash if a key was already present in the sessionid dictionary. – Fixed A Bug where the server would crash if a player sent in a second StartGame message with the same clientID already in the sessions dictionary. – Login by Token’s are now validated thorughly to make sure that no login tokens are being forged. – Added Various measures against SQL Injection. – Added Server Sided Bonuses that will added to the players score when they receive a game over. View original article
  8. haloman30

    7/14/2017 Hotfix

    A small update has been applied to the website. + Added Elaztek logo to the footer
  9. Hey, everyone! The website has gotten a much-needed facelift. Our new theme is a nice dark style that is easy on the eyes and overall fits our website a lot better. The old theme is still available in the themes dropdown menu at the bottom of the page, along with most of the classic CU themes. The old theme was nothing more than the CU forums theme except with our logo applied to it. This theme has been in the works for over a month and is custom tailored to fit perfectly. That being said, if you find something that looks a bit odd, be sure to let us know ASAP so we can fix it. We also have another forums theme in the works too, that has more of a Halo-y feel to it, so stay tuned for that. That's all for now, folks!
  10. will it run on windows vista
  11. haloman30

    5/5/2017 Hotfix

    A quick change has been applied to the website. * Changed registration Security Check to reCAPTCHA v2 - Deleted spam registered accounts
  12. haloman30

    5/1/2017 Update

    A small few changes have been applied to the website + Added icons to each forum/subforum * Reorganized navigation menu * Renamed Founder to CEO
  13. well i do think a lot and id like to think im nice, so yeah.
  14. i want to eat the one with too much flour, i bet itd be a nice thick cookie bite. mmmmm
  15. haloman30

    4/26/2017 Update

    An update has been applied to the website. + Added Project: Infinity team signup page: http://elaztek.com/team-join * Fixed some issues with profile photos and other content on all forum groups * Did some work on the Homepage - Removed Killerteddy
  16. i am cri becuz things r borked

  17. There is work done but I will need to get the man behind it onboard
  18. So, some things have gone down over on Chaotic United that has led to Elaztek Studios coming up to fruition. Over the past few months on CU since Aly was demoted, I was sitting around miserable due to the loss of my friend, Alycat. Today I had a weak moment again and I wanted to bring my friend back. I was talking with Michael regarding it and he later spoke to Wind. Wind ended up quitting CU outright and is back on WindFrontier. At that point, Michael and I had little faith in the future of CU due to Wind leaving. Eventually, it came to a point where Michael and I were considering rebranding CU under the Elaztek name and CU would effectively die off, but I came up with a different plan. Aly has returned to Chaotic United and is once again my friend. CU may or may not continue to move forward but I will retain a hefty level of control over it - as in, Aly isn't coming in and totally taking over. The staff of CU that would rather stay away from Alycat have been invited here to Elaztek Studios, a brand new start with a brand new goal: To make great games that kick ass. Should Chaotic United close down in the future, it will become a trademark of Elaztek Studios, and this will be the parent company. If you have come over from Chaotic United, welcome aboard, and we hope you have a great time here. Nobody, staff or player, in CU will be asked to leave. However, Alycat will never be seen here on Elaztek Studios for various reasons. This place may also serve as an escape for those who cannot stand Aly. Upvote this post if you're happy to be part of Elaztek Studios! If you have any additional questions or concerns please ask them below! The Elaztek Studios Team ----------------------------------- haloman30 AwakenedRage 16dbaxter Atomicbeast101 Blizzardbball
  19. Welcome to your new IPS Community Suite! Congratulations on your purchase of our software and setting up your community. Please take some time and read through the Getting Started Guide and Administrator Documentation. The Getting Started Guide will walk you through some of the necessary steps to setting up an IP.Board and starting your community. The Administrator Documentation takes you through the details of the capabilities of IP.Board. You can remove this message, topic, forum or even category at any time. Go to the documentation now...
  20. haloman30

    Sapien Screenshots

    Any screenshots or images taken of Sapien, Blamite's level editor, can be found here.
  21. haloman30

    Foundry Screenshots

    Any screenshots or images taken of Foundry, Blamite's unified editing environment, can be found here.