A list of any archived webpages from the website.
Here, you can find a list of any old pages which have been replaced, removed, or are otherwise no longer being updated.
It is entirely possible that these links will break over time. If any of the links below fail to work for any reason, you are encouraged to submit a bug report. Chances are, the page still exists somewhere - we just moved it during some mass organization effort.
Please keep in mind that these pages are NOT being updated. Many of them WILL contain outdated or inaccurate information. They were removed/replaced for a reason.
Initial Temporary Homepage (v0): https://elaztek.com/legacy/index-v0.html/
Homepage v1: https://elaztek.com/legacy/index-v2.html/
Homepage v2: https://elaztek.com/legacy/home_2019/
Homepage v3: https://elaztek.com/legacy/index.html/
Error Pages
404: https://elaztek.com/legacy/404_legacy/
404 (Alternate, never finished): https://elaztek.com/error_pages/404/
Soon™: https://elaztek.com/error_pages/soon/
Policies and Documents
Community Guidelines: https://elaztek.com/legacy/community-guidelines/
Raven Runner Privacy Policy: https://elaztek.com/legacy/rr_privacy/
Raven Runner Terms of Service: https://elaztek.com/legacy/rr_tos/
File Submission Guidelines: https://elaztek.com/legacy/submission-rules/
Rank Information: https://elaztek.com/legacy/rankinfo/
Informational Pages
About Elaztek Studios: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about-us/
Early About Section
About Elaztek: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about/about_elaztek/
Careers: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about/careers/
Game History: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about/game_history/
Publications: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about/publications/
Style Guide: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about/style_guide/
About Section v2 (Retired in 2023)
About: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about_v2/index/
Our Vision: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about_v2/vision/
Projects: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about_v2/projects/
Legacy Projects: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about_v2/projects_legacy/
History: https://elaztek.com/legacy/about_v2/history/
Company Pages
Projects: https://elaztek.com/legacy/elaztek/projects/
Redeem Code: https://elaztek.com/legacy/elaztek/redeem/
Trademarks: https://elaztek.com/legacy/elaztek/trademarks/
Games and Projects
Project: Infinity
Nameplates: https://elaztek.com/legacy/infinity/nameplates/
Elaztek Launcher
Data Collection & Logging: https://elaztek.com/legacy/products/launcher/launcher_telemetry/
Blamite Game Engine
Material Website
Homepage: https://elaztek.com/projects/blamite/blamite_legacy/index.html/
Homepage (weird business license page thing): https://elaztek.com/projects/blamite/blamite_legacy/index-business-unused.html/
Team Application: https://elaztek.com/projects/blamite/blamite_legacy/team-join/
Version History: https://elaztek.com/projects/blamite/blamite_legacy/versions/
About/Overview: https://elaztek.com/projects/blamite/blamite_legacy/about/overview/
2021 Website
Recent Commits: https://elaztek.com/projects/blamite/commits_v1/
Homepage (v1): https://elaztek.com/projects/blamite/index_v1/
Under Maintenance Page: https://elaztek.com/legacy/helpcenter_ve/
Old Wrapper (now empty, made using Visual Editor): https://elaztek.com/legacy/helpcenter_new_ve/
Old Wrapper (now empty, has sidebar): https://elaztek.com/legacy/helpcenter/
Product DB
Product Page Test: https://elaztek.com/legacy/products/generic/
Product List Test: https://elaztek.com/legacy/products/generic_list/
Product DB: https://elaztek.com/legacy/products/pdb/
Blamite Team Application: https://elaztek.com/legacy/team-join-blamite/
Application Portal: https://elaztek.com/legacy/team-join-hub/
Project: Infinity Team Application: https://elaztek.com/legacy/team-join/
Miscellaneous Pages
Official Downloads: https://elaztek.com/legacy/official_downloads/
Chaotic United Landing Page: https://elaztek.com/legacy/cu_landing/
Game History: https://elaztek.com/legacy/game_history/
Test Pages
404 Random Phrase JS Test: https://elaztek.com/legacy/test/404_jstest.html/
Answers DB (broken): https://elaztek.com/legacy/test/answers/
Articles (default with Pages/IP.Content): https://elaztek.com/legacy/test/articles.html/
IP.Chat Unavailable Page: https://elaztek.com/legacy/test/ipc-err/
IP.Chat Test Page: https://elaztek.com/legacy/test/ipc-test/
Music Test: https://elaztek.com/legacy/test/musictest/
Release Notes: https://elaztek.com/legacy/test/release-notes/
UI Demo: https://elaztek.com/legacy/test/ui_demo/
Data Files
Launcher (NTClient)
Changelog (ntclient_versions.json): https://elaztek.com/external/launcher_helpers/ntclient_versions.json
Latest News Post Data (update.html): https://elaztek.com/external/launcher_helpers/update.html
Foundation Mod Manager
Source Info (fmm_src_info.json): https://elaztek.com/external/platform_data/fmm_src_info.json
Mod List (mods.json): https://elaztek.com/external/platform_data/mods.json
Forum Archives: https://elaztek.com/forums/forum/63-archive/
Here, you can find links to very early Webs.com sites that we used to operate.
Elaztek Studios' roots can be traced all the way back to 2013, when the founder of the company first created a "company" named Haloman Development - abbreviated as HMD. Galactiminer and Project: Infinity can both be traced back to those origins, though very little real development wouldn't come until many years later.
Unlike Elaztek or Chaotic United's modern websites, which are more or less custom built - that is, run on a proper webserver with full control over site content and applications - these older websites were created using Webs (webs.com), which is an easy-to-use site builder service. They offer very limited control over what you can do, but are intended to make it so that those without the knowledge or experience to operate their own webserver were able to create a basic website.
Those websites got very little development and were officially retired once Elaztek Studios was launched. The websites have since only been maintained enough to ensure they continue to exist (in other words, periodically logging into the Webs account to ensure they weren't automatically removed).
However, on November 11, 2020, Webs announced that they would be shutting their doors and migrating all content over to Vistaprint - the parent company of Webs. However, only Premium Webs customers would have their content migrated over. Those who didn't have premium websites were told that their site would no longer be viewable or editable:
In order to preserve the old websites (as awful as they are, seeing as they were made by a 13 year old), the websites were mirrored using WinHTTrack and will be hosted on our own webserver going forward. You can find all 6 Webs sites that were previously operated by haloman30 below, though not all of them were related to Elaztek. Additionally, a 7th site that was part of CU's history but wasn't hosted by haloman30 was also archived - and is also linked below.
Please keep in mind that, again, the quality of the websites are terrible. They were made by a 13 year old and, as such, contain some pretty dumb stuff and weird claims - and have been unaltered from those early iterations. Additionally, keep in mind that these websites are read-only. Several of them used to contain account and forum functionality, but these are dependent on Webs' backend systems - which are not available for these archives. As such, logging in, registering, or any other user content will simply do nothing. Think Wayback Machine.
Enjoy - if you can.
Elaztek Studios
Haloman Development
Archive URL: http://haloman30.com/archives/webs.com/halomandev.webs.com/index.html
Original Webs.com URL: https://halomandev.webs.com/
Archive URL: http://haloman30.com/archives/webs.com/galactiminer.webs.com/index.html
Original Webs.com URL: https://galactiminer.webs.com/
Project: Infinity
Archive URL: http://haloman30.com/archives/webs.com/infinityproject.webs.com/index.html
Original Webs.com URL: https://infinityproject.webs.com/
Chaotic United
Chaotic United
Archive URL: http://haloman30.com/archives/webs.com/chaoticunitedserver.webs.com/index.html
Original Webs.com URL: https://chaoticunitedserver.webs.com/
United Alycraft
Archive URL: http://haloman30.com/archives/webs.com/unitedalycraft.webs.com/index.html
Original Webs.com URL: https://unitedalycraft.webs.com/
Hurricane Gaming (HurricaneCraft) (not owned by haloman30)
Archive URL: http://haloman30.com/archives/webs.com/hurricanegaming.webs.com/index.html
Original Webs.com URL: https://hurricanegaming.webs.com/
Archive URL: http://haloman30.com/archives/webs.com/halofanzone.webs.com/index.html
Original Webs.com URL: https://halofanzone.webs.com/