* Fixed font issues with Midnight 7.3, Midnight/Daylight 7.2, Midnight/Daylight 7.1, Midnight 7, and Midnight themes
- Removed Killerteddy
Update notes for the community will be posted here.
* Fixed font issues with Midnight 7.3, Midnight/Daylight 7.2, Midnight/Daylight 7.1, Midnight 7, and Midnight themes
- Removed Killerteddy
* News & Announcements links posted to social media will now display the image for the announcement, rather than a generic social media logo image
* Updated default social media banner image to use new logo
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed pagination on Blamite commits page
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added "About" dropdown to primary navbar
* Moved "News & Announcements" menu item from Community to About menu
* Moved "About" submenu from Help to About menu
- Removed "Home" primary navbar item
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue on Midnight 7.3 where Daylight mode would be enabled by default when logged in
- Removed Killerteddy
* Changed CAPTCHA type from reCAPTCHA v2 to hCaptcha
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue where the detailed loading wheel would sometimes display with an invalid white character on top of the intended icon
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue with the Job Portal where the "Apply Now" button would say that applications were disabled if a user was not logged in
* The "View Submitted Applications" link on the Job Portal home now links to the Sign-In page if a user is not logged in
* Fixed missing link to Team Member Expectations page when viewing a volunteer job posting in Job Portal (and added link to Team Member Guidelines)
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed Blamite and Sandbox commits pages not displaying properly
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added "Projects" menu to navbar (replaces Blamite dropdown item)
+ Added Sandbox and Donation Store to Projects dropdown in navbar
+ Added Sandbox homepage
+ Added Sandbox commit history page
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added links to Forums and Discord near the bottom of the homepage
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added "Sandbox" subforum
+ Added Untitled Sandbox Project to Projects and Services page
- Removed the "It's Quiet..." message from the Store
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added Downloads category to Official Games/Projects: Legacy
+ Added Downloads category to Official Games/Projects: Sandbox (with child category "Development Builds")
* Moved Raven Runner downloads category to newly added Legacy category
* Moved Galactiminer downloads category to newly added Legacy category
* Rearranged Official Games/Projects downloads category to show current projects higher in the list, rather than at the bottom
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added monthly commit count chart to commits page
+ Added daily commit count graph to commits page
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added a "View all Announcements" button to homepage, directly below the recent news section
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed an issue where the rank displayed on other user's profile page would always display the rank of the viewer
* Fixed an issue where some profile backgrounds would not display properly
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added new commits page, with support for pagination - allowing for all commits to be viewed, not just the latest 20
* Fixed tooltips not displaying properly within Blamite Game Engine pages
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added links to Blamite Game Engine Stratagem page to navigation menu and Blamite homepage
* Fixed improperly written PHP on /legacy/index-v2.html
* Blamite Game Engine stratagem project is now public
* Minor visual improvements to Blamite homepage
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added Donation Store banner to homepage
* Fixed an issue where the navigation menu would sometimes (still) not display correctly on Midnight 7.2 and Midnight 7.3
* Fixed an issue where the active side menu item would use its light mode display even with dark mode active
* Updated placeholer dates on Brands, Timeline, and Active Projects pages to reflect actual Donation Store purchase dates
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added navigation menu icons for the following menu items on Midnight 7.2: API Documentation, Commits, Meet the Team (new), Partners (new), Brands, History, Story, Timeline, Credits, Extras
+ Added redesigned Helpcenter
+ Added Career/Job portal
+ Added new theme: Midnight 7.3
+ Added new forum ranks: Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Warrant Officer, First Lieutenant, Captain, Lt. Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier, Major, General, Lt. Commander, Commander, Vice Admiral, Admiral, Field Marshall, Hero, Legend, Mythic
* Changed default theme from Midnight 7.2 to Midnight 7.3
* Renamed rank 'Newbie' to 'Recruit'
* Renamed rank 'Member' to 'Private'
* Renamed rank 'Advanced Member' to 'Corporal'
* Reorganized 'Help' navigation menu
* Reorganized footer navigation menu
- Disabled old Staff Application form
- Archived old Staff Applications subforum
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added redesigned About section
+ Added new pages to About section: Brands, Timeline, Story, Credits, Extras
* Meet the Team page has been redesigned and now exists within the About section
* Partners page now exists within the About section
- Removed link to Trademarks page from navbar
- Removed old Partners page link from navbar
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added addon: Birthdays Widget
* Updated from PHP 7.3 to PHP 8.1
* Updated IP.Board from 4.4.10 to 4.7.10
* Updated addon: Forms
* Updated plugin: Enhanced Status Updates Widget
* New Topic display in #forums-feed on Discord (and other channels) now displays using embeds, as the old Discord integration addon no longer functions under PHP 8.1
* Fixed an issue where updating to 4.7.10 caused the mobile author pane to display on desktop when viewing topics on Elaztek Studios, Midnight, Midnight 7, Midnight 7.1, and Midnight 7.2 (including Daylight variants)
* Fixed an issue where updating to 4.7.10 caused the shoutbox to fail to load shouts, as a result of the search UI template not being updated - this has been fixed on Elaztek Studios, Midnight, Midnight 7, Midnight 7.1, and Midnight 7.2 (including Daylight variants)
- Birthdays are no longer displayed within the calendar (don't blame me, blame IPS for being lame)
- Disabled addon: Discord Integration
- Removed Killerteddy
* Redirected bnetarchive.elaztek.com to bnetarchive.haloman30.com
- Removed Killerteddy
+ Added Recent Commits page for Blamite Game Engine
+ Added the recent commit description to build status on Blamite homepage
- Removed Killerteddy
* Fixed build status not reporting properly on Blamite project page
- Removed Killerteddy