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About this blog

Update notes for the community will be posted here.

Entries in this blog


6/26/2021 Update

* Renamed all archived doxygen index pages prior to build 325 to index_.html, as the links for those pages always go to latest rather than the individual documentation archive

* Redesigned Blamite logo and updated uses across the website

* Redesigned Elaztek Developer Hub and Doxygen index pages to be more consistent with main website design
* Renamed Chief Operating Officer rank to Chief Technology Officer

- Removed Killerteddy


5/22/2021 Update

+ Added theme: Midnight 7.2
+ Added theme: Daylight 7.2
+ Midnight 7.1: Added banner for Stratagem
* Restored custom editor toolbars (these were temporarily reset while diagnosing the 500 error mentioned before)
* Fixed group badges in profiles being too large
- Removed Killerteddy


Changes in Midnight/Daylight 7.2 from 7.1:
+ Added subtitle text to all page headers (where applicable)
+ Added color picker to allow user customization of accent color
* Changed QType Pro font to Indoscreen
* Redesigned profile page
* Improved info box styles
* Improved club name when being displayed within the club header


5/19/2021 Update

* Fixed a 500 error that was occurring with the default theme
* Fixed Elaztek Studios, Midnight, and Midnight 7 themes not being accessible by normal users
* Updated 'General Gaming' forum icon
* Fixed a misconfiguration in outgoing email SMTP settings (hopefully this fixes the long-standing email issues?)
* Fixed Shoutbox permissions
- Removed Killerteddy


5/13/2021 Update

+ Added icons to navigation menu for the following items: Blamite Homepage, Blamite FAQ, Blamite Documentation, Blamite Guides, Developer Hub, Nextcloud

- Removed Killerteddy


+ Added group: COO (Chief Operating Officer)
+ Added group: +Senior Members
* All forum groups can now store an unlimited number of private conversations
* All groups can now view display name history for any user
* Updated group badge designs for all groups
* (Non-Premium) Members who reach 500 total posts will be automatically promoted to Senior Member
* Fixed some groups being unable to set signatures
* Fixed some groups being unable to attach files to editor fields within application forms
* Fixed some groups being unable to change their display name

* Renamed group 'Members' to 'Member'
- Removed total uploaded attachment size limit for all forum groups
- Removed Killerteddy


+ Added new Favicon image

+ Added new website section: News & Announcements
+ Added final notice page to Galactiminer website
+ Added new About page(s)
* Redesigned homepage
* News is now its own separate database, rather than being part of forums
* Moved News from news_beta page to final news page
* Redesigned default error page
- Removed 'Feeds' submenu from Team menu
- Removed Killerteddy


This update has resulted in some URLs being broken. These URLs are mostly older links that are no longer in public use.


+ Added emoji: :biden:

+ Added emoji: :ramsay:

+ Added emoji: :SteveDisappointed:

+ Added emoji: :uwufam:

+ Added emoji: :UWUthink:

+ Added emoji: :confuse_cat:

+ Added archives of older webs.com sites related to Elaztek as webs.com is shutting down soon

* Performed some page organization to the website, breaking some older URLs

* Fixed navbar being too large on Midnight theme

- Removed Killerteddy


9/28/2020 Update

+ Added new image URL for og:image meta tag (used in Discord rich embeds)

- Removed emoji from Discord and forums: :pylon: (pylon)

- Removed emoji from Forums: :windwaifu: (windwaifu)

- Removed emoji from Forums: :wfold: (wfold)

- Removed Killerteddy


7/15/2020 Update

* Archived #dev-concepts channel
* Organized Discord roles better (only visible in server settingss)
* Archived Community and Server Manager roles in favor of a single Manager role
* Changed Helper color to the new color used in CU
* Renamed Moderator to Global Moderator
- Removed Killerteddy


+ Added Discord role: Halo Fan Project Team
+ Added Discord channel: #fan-projects (exclusive to Fan Game Bros)
* Renamed 'Halo Fan Project Team' to 'Halo Fame Game Bros' to avoid confusion with any Elaztek team roles
- Removed Killerteddy