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  • Foundation: Windows Forms, WPF Interface: MetroFramework, MahApps.Metro dev
+ Fully redesigned UI
+ Added a redeem key page (wip)
+ Added login page (wip)
+ Added user dropdown menu, chat, friends, and something else in window title
+ Added new config option: Telemetry logging level
+ Implemented new system logging levels: None, Basic, Full. These levels display various levels of system software and hardware information in log files at startup. Default setting is BASIC, because we aren't Microsoft and this isn't Windows 10. More information on what exactly is collected can be found at: http://elaztek.com/products/launcher/launcher_telemetry
+ Added new config option: Allow maximize/restore
+ Added new config option: Allow free resizing
* Console now has scrollbars, and no longer has text wrapping
* Updated MahApps.Metro to 1.5.0
* Assembly renamed from launcher-wpf to NTlauncher
* The old config window is officially deprecated. All updates have been placed into the new integrated page.

Edited by haloman30

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