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  1. Hey, everyone! We've officially rolled out a (somewhat) brand new default theme! What started out as me doing some simple theme fixes on some staff-only stuff gradually turned into a full fledged theme upgrade that, while not a groundbreaking upgrade, did change enough that I felt branching it off into a separate theme was appropriate. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Midnight (and Daylight) 7.2! Let's go over what it has in store. Color Picker First and foremost, the theme introduces a color picker, allowing you to change the accent color to anything you want. Not a fan of the default bright blue? Change it on the fly by clicking the paintbrush icon near the top-right, next to the notification bell. You can change the color back to the default at any time, and your changes are done on a per-browser basis. The All-New Profile Page Once again, this is one of those areas where I got a little carried away. I originally wanted to take the cover photo and make it display in page banner style seen in most other pages. What ended up happening instead is that the entire page got shuffled around. What was formerly in the (often very tall) sidebar has since been moved to a new tab within the profile page, simply called 'Profile'. The sidebar itself was then removed outright - leaving the main profile content to take precedence. And, yes - your cover photo now displays in all its glory in the background of the page, and has a neat little parallax effect as you scroll down. There is one small limitation of this implementation, however, which is that it required that the ability to position the cover photo on this theme be disabled. In other words, if someone is using a different theme, the cover might not be in the ideal position - but for the vast majority of users sticking with the default theme, it'll look just fine. Page Banner Changes Next up, we've done some subtle changes to the page banners that are on most of those pages. First, we introduced support for the inclusion of a page subtitle. This way, if you're viewing a specific topic on forums, or looking at a specific category within the download center, you'll see that reflected in the header in the form of a subtitle. The other slightly less significant change is a change of font. Formerly, we were using a font called QType Pro, which came from Halo 5: Guarians' in-game UI. In the interest of being a bit more distinct, we've changed to a new font called Indoscreen - which is entirely free for personal and commercial use, and happens to still look quite close to the QType Pro font - while still looking a touch fresher. Bugfixes The least interesting part of the theme upgrade, is of course the fixing of several bugs from Midnight 7.1. Most notably, the blue information boxes fit in a bit better with the theme, and header images for clubs are now a bit easier to read. There's been a couple other tiny ones here or there, but those are the main fixes. And, as usual - if you aren't a fan of the new changes, Midnight 7.1 is still available - as with all of our other previous website themes. Just click the Theme menu in the bottom left and choose your desired theme. But... What About Blamite? Now, I know what you must be thinking - that website stuff is cool and all, but what about the game engine? Does it video game yet? Unfortunately, the answer is, and will likely continue to be for some time, no. However, that isn't to say no progress has been made. Guerilla is now fully usable for basic tag editing - including reading, writing, compiling, and decompiling. My hope is that here within a month or two, we'll be able to share a second development update video - and this time not having it be hours long and a big ramble-y mess. Development has been slower for the past month or two, as I've once again had to switch jobs. Additionally, I've been working to try and stop sleeping so long - as this alone is a major contributing factor to why progress slows to a crawl when I'm employed. I was formerly sleeping roughly 12 hours a night. Which of course meant that, if I had work the next few days, I'd be at work for 8-9 hours, plus an hour for transportation, which left me 2 hours left in the day to do something with - usually making dinner and getting ready for bed. This of course is ridiculous and a horrible way to live for a variety of reasons, and it made it so that a work day was just that - a day where I did basically nothing but work and get ready for work the next day. The good news is I've been able to mostly get on an ~8 hour sleep schedule, though I've been a bit groggier and tired than usual. Odds are my body is just so used to 12 hours a night that it's gonna take some time to adjust to losing 1/3rd of that. Another thing I've done recently is set up something called Stratagem - which, if you're familiar with Trello (or other Kanban-style boards), is basically that - except it's self hosted and lives right here within the Elaztek Website. Chaotic United has had one for a while, and it's been pretty great at keeping an ongoing list of stuff that needs to be worked on, rather than relying on people remembering or a crufty to-do list topic somewhere. If you aren't familiar with it, the basic premise is to be a digital version of writing down quick sticky notes and putting them on a wall or board. You can create a card with nothing other than a rough title of what you're wanting to do. Unlike real-world sticky notes, however, you can open up these cards and add additional information to them - including task lists, detailed descriptions, badges, and comments. You can also assign users to them and set due dates for cards as well. Blamite's Stratagem had all of its old Gitlab issues moved over, and a whole bunch of new stuff added - which should help keep things better organized and managed going forward. The effect will be fairly minimal this early on and with such a small team, but even with just myself I find it a big help being able to quickly write down a thought or idea on a card and not have to worry about remembering it days or weeks later. That's all we've got for now, folks - stay tuned, as we hope to share a second development update for Blamite sooner rather than later.