Brands, Domains, and Trademarks
Here, you can find information on various domains, trademarks, and properties we own and/or maintain. You will see various logos (if they exist) as well as a list of all domain names that belong to Elaztek Studios, LLC.
Domain Names
Registration Date | Domain | Property/Brand |
2016-01-12 | | Elaztek Studios, LLC |
2016-10-21 | | DonationStore |
2023-05-27* | | DonationStore (Cloud Hosting) |
2023-05-27 | | DonationStore (Cloud Hosting) |
2018-09-10 | | Galactiminer: Evolved |
2017-12-07 | | Blamite Game Engine |
2018-02-21 | | FragBan Anti-Cheat |
2014-09-05 | | Chaotic United (and associated brands) |
2013-04-14 | | Haloman Development |
2013-04-20 | | Galactiminer |
2013-11-8 | | Project: Infinity (Legacy Site) |
Over the years, many "brands" have merged, partnered with, or were acquired by Elaztek Studios - "brands" referring to any other community, product, or other entity. While many of these brands are no longer in operation today, some remain active - either in tandem with Elaztek Studios or independently from it.
A brief summary of many of these brands can be listed below, detailing their history and involvement with Elaztek Studios, and the current status of each - be it independent, closed, or otherwise. Some of the brands listed have no domain associated with them, and as such may not appear in the above domain list.
Brand Name | Information and Status |
Chaotic United | Originally founded in 2011 and revived by haloman30 in 2014, Chaotic United is a Minecraft-focused gaming community. Originally, it was the informal parent of Elaztek Studios - however, due to the disputes that were taking place around Elaztek Studios' formal launch in 2017, the two were run separately from that point onwards. In 2023, when Elaztek Studios was formed as a proper LLC, it became the parent organization of Chaotic United. Elaztek Studios continues to take a hands-off approach when operating Chaotic United, and will likely continue to do for the foreseeable future. |
Haloman Development | Originally launched in 2013, Haloman Development was a brief side-project of haloman30. It stopped operation without announcement also in 2013, but was later relaunched under the name Elaztek Studios. Today, the Haloman Development name is no longer in official use, however it can still be found on its original website, on the archive of its website, and alongside references to its own past projects. |
Galactiminer | Originally conceived under Haloman Development in 2013, Galactiminer was intended to be an Xbox LIVE indie game. The initial ideas were very similar to Murder Miners, with a voxel sandbox world combined with Halo-style weapons and gameplay. Limited development was done using the TechCraft engine, but the project was eventually placed on indefinite hold after the announcement of Project: Infinity. Elaztek Studios made an initial limited attempt to revive the project under the name Galactiminer: Evolved, which was intended to be a more open sandbox game with extremely ambitious gameplay goals. Galactiminer: Evolved saw limited development under Unreal Engine 4 until it was placed on indefinite hold. The alpha build of the original Galactiminer was released in 2022, and the alpha build of Galactiminer: Evolved was released in 2023. While there are intentions to properly return to the Galactiminer IP and bring it to fruition, there are no immediate plans to do so at this time. |
Project: Infinity | Originally conceived under Haloman Development in 2013, Project: Infinity was intended to be a Halo fan project and was inspired by Project: Contingency. It initially had small development under CryEngine 3, with additional limited development under Unreal Engine 4. It was eventually placed on hold as the Blamite Game Engine began development, and is intended to be developed using Blamite in the future. |
Project: Vista | Project: Vista was a side-project that was intended to be developed by a former Elaztek Studios team member, Blizzardbball, in 2017. It was intended to be a first-person shooter set within a post-apocalyptic setting, however little to no real development was ever completed. It was effectively cancelled after Blizzardbball's departure from the team in 2019. |
Eon Game Engine | The Eon Game Engine was a side-project run by a former Elaztek Studios team member, JTKreates (JT), in 2018. It saw limited development until 2019, when JT left the Elaztek Studios team. There are no plans for future development of the Eon Game Engine, as most efforts are focused on Blamite. |
Blamite Game Engine | The Blamite Game Engine is a game engine inspired by the technology used to create the Halo games. It started development in 2016, with limited progress, with real tangible progress starting in 2019. It continues to be under heavy development to this day, and is planned to be used for all Elaztek Studios games going forward. |
FragBan Anti-Cheat | FragBan Anti-Cheat was a planned future anti-cheat component that would be integrated into the Blamite Game Engine. The name is borrowed from the Arby n' the Chief machinima series by Jon CJG. Currently, no development for FragBan has been done, as Blamite is still too early in development. |
DonationStore | Originally launched in 2016, DonationStore is a Minecraft-focused webstore platform created by Mark Barrett. It continued to be developed independently until it development was ceased in 2023, and the platform was put up for sale in order for it to be continued by another developer. This remained the case until June 7, 2023, when it was acquired by Elaztek Studios, who continues to develop it to this day with the aid of Errite Softworks, LLC. |
Logo History
Various logos have been used to represent these various brands. All relevant logos can be found below.
Elaztek Studios

Logo 1 - Blue
The first version of the Elaztek Studios logo, created in 2014. While a bit unpolished, it would define the design of the Elaztek Studios logo going forward.

Logo 1.1 - White
A revised version of the original logo - but in white.

Logo 2
The first vector redesign of the Elaztek Logo. With more compact lettering, and the addition of the "Studios" title, it was slated to be the definitive Elaztek Studios logo.

Logo 3
An updated version of the 2nd logo, it featured minimal changes - but restored a detail from the original, where the E and K were more integrated into the Z, rather than floating like the other letters. It was introduced in 2017 and would become the definitive Elaztek Studios logo until 2023.

Logo 3.1 - TimeTrex
This is a modified version of Logo 3, used on an experimental installation of TimeTrex - an employee time tracking software.

Logo 3.2 - Accent
An unused version of Logo 3, featuring a blue accent on the unintentional "7".

Logo 4
In 2023, the Elaztek Studios logo got its first update in years. It features an identical profile of Logo 3, but introduces changes to improve readability.
Blamite Game Engine

Logo 1
The first version of the Blamite Game Engine logo, created in 2016. While imperfect, it would set the template for future Blamite logos going forward.

Logo 1.1 - Made with Blamite
A modified version of the Blamite logo, intended to be displayed in-game within games that use Blamite. It was never used in any official capacity.

Logo 1.2 - Documentation Logo
A modified version of the Blamite logo, displayed alongside the game engine's documentation.

Logo 1.3 - Documentation Header Logo
This is another version of the documentation logo, made to be more compact for display in the header of the Blamite Guides section.

Logo 1.4 - HEK Documentation Logo
This is another version of the documentation logo, with the subtitle of "HEK Documentation". It was never used in any official capacity.
Logo 2
A revised and cleaned-up version of the Blamite Game Engine logo. It features a virtually identical profile and shape, but removes the cracks within the crystal shards and adds some minor visual detail to them.

Logo 2.1 - Documentation Header Logo
An updated version of the Documentation Header Logo, utilizing the new logo design.
Project: Infinity

Logo 1
The first logo for Project: Infinity, created in 2013.

Logo 2
The second logo for Project: Infinity, created in 2016.

Logo 2.1
A modified version of the second Project: Infinity logo, featuring the classic Halo 'O' design.

Logo 3
A revised version of the Project: Infinity logo, now referred to as Halo: Infinity.

Galactiminer: Evolved Logo
The logo for Galactiminer: Evolved. It was designed to mimic the original Galactiminer logo, but featured several design improvements.

Galactiminer: Evolved Logo (Black)
A black version of the Galactiminer: Evolved logo.

Galactiminer: Evolved Wiki Logo
The logo for the Galactiminer: Evolved Wiki. Due to the halted development of Galactiminer: Evolved, it was never used in any official capacity.

Galactiminer: Evolved Wiki Logo (Left-Aligned)
A modified version of the Galactiminer: Evolved Wiki logo, with its text left-aligned.
Blamite Game Engine - Tools (Unused)

FMM Logo (Light)
The light version of the Blamite FMM Logo. In the earlier days, it was planned for a modified version of Foundation Mod Manager to be used for mod management within Blamite games, however this idea was later cancelled. As such, this logo was never used in any official capacity.

FMM Logo (Dark)
The dark version of the Blamite FMM Logo.

Forge Logo
The logo for Forge, a planned (cancelled) standalone map editor (similar to Halo 5: Forge) for Blamite games. It was never used in any official capacity.

Forge Logo (Alternate)
An alternative logo for Forge.

Fragban Logo
The logo for Fragban Anti-Cheat, a planned Anti-Cheat module for the Blamite Game Engine.

BlamHelpEdit Logo
The logo for the Blamite Help Editor. This tool was used to create help topics that could be viewed with the Blamite Help Viewer. Currently, this utility is no longer developed or maintained.

BlamHelpView Logo
The logo for the Blamite Help Viewer. This was originally developed with plans to be shipped with Blamite games, and used as a locally-stored documentation viewer. Documents could be created using BlamHelpEdit. Currently, this utility is no longer developed or maintained.

Sapien About Logo
The logo for Sapien, previously used in the About screen.

Sapien About Logo (Trimmed)
An alternate Sapien About logo, without the "For use with the Blamite Game Engine" subtitle.

Tool About Logo
The logo for Sapien, previously used in the About screen.

Logo 1
The first logo for DonationStore, used for DonationStore v1.

Logo 2
The second logo for DonationStore, used for DonationStore v2.

Logo 2.1
A modified version of Logo 2, created by haloman30 for personal use.

Eon Game Engine
The logo for the Eon Game Engine. Eon was intended to be a 2D-focused game engine, developed by a former Elaztek Studios team member. After their departure, however, development on Eon was ceased.

Haloman Development - Logo 1
The first logo for the Haloman Development.

Haloman Development - Logo 2
The second and final logo for the Haloman Development.