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Progress updates for the Blamite Game Engine.

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This version introduces the console, as well as several commands, as well as adds a work-in-progress stats view. It also tests shadowed text by re-drawing the same content twice (hacky but it works).




This version introduces support for CSC and HSC. It focuses primarily on command-based scripting. It also introduces BlamPhyLib and BlamMathLib, both of which are preperations for a basic phyiscs engine. It also introduced a special crash screen that are displayed on asserts.


Untracked Version (1/15/2022)




All versions of the Blamite Game Engine from this point and prior, proper changelogs were not accurately tracked. As such, this changelog, as well as all others before, will likely be inaccurate and incomplete. Numerous overhauls and changes were made between this build and the most recent previous changelog (from 2018).


+ Added early versions Editing Kit tools: Guerilla, Foundry, Sapien, FontExtractor, Tool

* Significant engine codebase overhauls

* Engine configurations expanded from Debug and Release to: cache debug, cache test, cache release, tag debug, tag test
* Rendering is now handled primarily through bgfx (though the earlier DX11 renderer is still usable via configuration changes)
* Editing Kit tools are now handled using Qt5
* Other changes too numerous to list





+ Added tag class: light [ligh]
+ Added tag class: material [mat]
+ Added tag class: scenario [scnr]
+ Added tag class: cache_file_resource_data [zone] (equivalent to cache_file_resource_gestalt)
+ Added ogre scene editor utility (imgui)
+ Added real console again (for the first time since the DX11 render woot - open with ~)
+ Added "cool magic numbers"
+ Added coordinates display
+ Added extremely basic extension system
+ Added option to tie director camera turning to game tick - defaults to off since it seems to cause more problems than it solves at present
+ Added placeholders for accessing engine and user folders
* Fixed tag block, bitfield, and enum fields not being generated properly in plugins - the opening node was closed within the same node, rather than staying open and properly containing its children
* Fixed a crash during shutdown caused by event listeners being deleted prior to being unregistered
* Director now has separate horizontal/vertical look sensitivity options, rather than a single sensitivity for both
* Decreased director near clip distance
* Improved engine logger performance
* Implemented OGRE-next 2.3 renderer
* Changed Fieldset version to 5
* Data reference fields have been increased in size, with new value hints (a 4-character string that can be used to identify the data being stored, only used in Editing Kit for now), and 8 bytes of reserved space for future use
- Removed standalone OpenGL renderer
- Removed standalone Vulkan renderer
- Removed bgfx renderer



+ Added support for vector2, vector3, and vector4 fields
+ Added support for color fields
+ Added support for fieldref fields - These are fields which allow tags to self-reference other fields within a tag
+ Added a warning dialog when closing a modified tag
+ Added support for "input hints" to some fields - this is a piece of text that will display to the right of some fields, indicating valid input
+ Added support for opening the game viewport, currently used for previewing material changes in real-time
+ Added Tag Designer - A new visual, drag-n-drop editor for creating and modifying tag definitions
* Fixed "Editing Compiled Tag" warning being present in a newly created tag
* Fixed a crash when opening certain tags (seemed to be tags that weren't part of a project)
* Renamed float32 field to real
* Changing any tag field will mark the tag as having been modified
* Fixed a bug where closing tool windows (output, style editor, explorer bar) with the X button on the window itself would not properly update the check state in the View menu
* Improved classic theme styles for tag blocks and comments
* Fixed several fields not having their UI widgets disabled when viewing as a template (ie, when viewing the contents of a block with no entries)
* Data reference fields now provide an option to view and edit data using the new built-in Hex Editor (which is more in-line with a standard hex editor) or Code Editor (which provides syntax highlighting for many languages)
* Style Editor now has syntax highlighting support



+ Added WIP Hierarchy View
+ Added early WIP workspace support
+ Added loading dialog when opening a scenario
+ Added Properties Palette
+ Added configuration file support
* Fixed About dialog closing immediately after opening
* Sapien now requires that scenarios be part of a project - opening scenario tags directly is no longer supported
* Fixed a crash caused by a race condition when updating the Game View status bar



+ Added configuration file support


Editing Kit (All tools):

* Editor tick rate now runs at 30TPS (was 10TPS)
* Minor Output window performance improvements
* Windows Classic (modified) theme improvements
* Settings dialog no longer blocks the main window thread